Alissa Fong

MA, Stanford University
Teaching in the San Francisco Bay Area

Alissa is currently a teacher in the San Francisco Bay Area and Brightstorm users love her clear, concise explanations of tough concepts

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Rounding - Problem 1


Rounding - Concept

Alissa Fong
Alissa Fong

MA, Stanford University
Teaching in the San Francisco Bay Area

Alissa is currently a teacher in the San Francisco Bay Area and Brightstorm users love her clear, concise explanations of tough concepts


In general, when we round numbers, we look at the digit to the right of our goal rounding place (like nearest tenth, nearest hundred, etc). If the value is 5 or higher, we round the value up. If it is less than 5, we round down. This is a helpful tool for estimation and is often done in the real world. However, if you always round up before doing a calculation, you may run into errors of over-estimating your final answer.

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