Great teaching + Engaging personality
= Brightstorm teachers


Algebra, Geometry, Algebra 2, Trigonometry, Precalculus, Calculus

Alissa Fong

Alissa Fong

M.A. in Secondary Mathematics, Stanford University
B.S., Stanford University

Alissa has a quirky sense of humor and a relatable personality that make it easy for students to pay attention and understand the material. She has all the math tips and tricks students are looking for.

Alissa loves playing soccer on her free time and has even coached high school soccer teams.

Course rating by users
12345 4.37 from 448 users

“ Your tutorials are good and you have a personality as well. I hope you have more advanced college level stuff, because I like the way you teach. ”

Brian McCall

Brian McCall

B.S. in Chemical Engineering, University of Wisconsin
J.D. University of Wisconsin Law School (magna cum laude)

He doesn't beat around the bush. His straightforward teaching style is effective and his subtle midwestern accent is engaging. There's never a dull moment with him.

Brightstorm用户经常比较他看起来乔希Hutcherson of the Hunger Games. Brian is now a practicing lawyer in Wisconsin.

Course rating by users
12345 4.07 from 387 users

“ so my teacher can't explain this in 5 weeks but I learn this in less than 3 minutes ”

Norm Prokup

Norm Prokup

PhD. in Mathematics University of Rhode Island.
B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, Cornell University

He uses really creative examples for explaining tough concepts and illustrates them perfectly on the whiteboard. It's impossible to get lost during his lessons.

Norm ranked 4th place at the 2004 USA Weightlifting Nationals.

Course rating by users
12345 4.56 from 180 users

“I started pre-cal yesterday, and have been staring at the same problem for an hour, completely clueless, until I watched this video. Everything makes sense now. Thank you SO much. ”

Carl Horowitz

Carl Horowitz

B.S. in Mathematics University of Michigan

He knows how to make difficult math concepts easy for everyone to understand. He speaks at a steady pace and his step-by-step explanations are easy to follow.

Carl loves intensive outdoor activities and bets no one can match his passion for it.

Course rating by users
12345 3.89 from 179 users

“i love you you are the best, ive spent 3 hours trying to understand probability and this is making sense now finally ”


Biology, Chemistry, Physics

Patrick Roisen

Patrick Roisen

M.Ed., Stanford University

Patrick has a natural gift and passion for teaching that comes through in his lessons. It feels like he’s speaking directly to you which makes it easy to follow along.

Patrick has been teaching AP Biology for 14 years and has won multiple teacher awards.

Course rating by users
12345 4.49 from 141 users

“All Birghtstorm teachers are great.. but he is the number 1 :) ”

Kendal Orenstein

Kendal Orenstein

M.Ed., Columbia Teachers College

Her energy is contagious. She gets you excited about learning new concepts and makes it easy to understand. Her love for chemistry comes across in all her videos.

Kendal founded her own academic coaching company in Washington D.C.

Course rating by users
12345 3.82 from 159 users

“You're like a genius chemistry guru--thanks for helping me get that A”

Emily Chu

Emily Chu

PhD. in Physical Chemistry, UC Berkeley
B.S. in Chemistry, University of Connecticut

She has an amazing talent for explaining the most difficult concepts in very easy-to-understand terms. She’s very detail oriented and goes over every step carefully.

Emily was a NASA Earth and Space Fellow at UC Berkeley

Course rating by users
12345 4.86 from 38 users

“My professor is about as clear as mud - thanks for explaining this concept in 7 minutes - that i haven't gotten in 6 weeks of class. Awesome - thanks you!”

Jonathan Osbourne

Jonathan Osbourne

PhD., University of Maryland

他是最有趣和充满活力的老师你会前夕r meet. He makes every lesson sound like the most exciting topic ever so you never get bored when he's teaching.

Jonathan is a published author, Advanced Mathematical Techniques: for Scientists and Engineers

Course rating by users
12345 4.58 from 163 users

“Great teaching, this is exactly the concept i was struggling over for my physics test tomorrow. Thank you!”

Matt Jones

Matt Jones

M.Ed., George Washington University

Matt is very comfortable in front of the whiteboard and is able to make every topic easy for anyone to digest. His straightforward approach to teaching is very refreshing.

Matt loves spending time outdoors with his wife and two kids

Course rating by users
12345 3.54 from 107 users

“This video has a 99 percent probability of being the best video I've ever seen.”

Jonathan Fong

Jonathan Fong

M.Ed.,San Francisco State Univ.

Jonathan has been teaching since 2000 and currently teaches chemistry at a top-ranked high school in San Francisco.

Jacqueline Spivey

Jacqueline Spivey

Ph.D.,U.C.Santa Cruz
Teaching at a top-ranked high school in SF

She teaches general and chemistry at a top-ranked high school in San Francisco. Prior to that, she led and published a number of research studies and lectured at SF State University.

English & Test Prep

Grammar, Writing, Literature, SAT, ACT, APs

Bil Johnson

Bil Johnson

Yale University
Lecturer at Brown University

Bil has over 25 years of experience as a public school teacher. Before his current role as a teacher at the Urban Assembly School in NYC, Bil was a senior lecturer at Brown University.

Devorah Goldblatt

Devorah Goldblatt

Summa cum laude
Perfect scorer on the SAT & the ACT

Devorah is the founder of Advantage Point Test Prep and the author of the book “Boost Your Score” The Unofficial Guide to the Real ACT.

Eva Holtz

Eva Holtz

Harvard University
Perfect scores on the SAT and 4 SATIIs

Eva is a certified admissions counselor and the founder of PrepPoint, a premier test prep company in the San Francisco Bay Area.

John Postovit

John Postovit

University of North Dakota
M.Ed.,Stanford University

From over 16 years of teaching experience, he has philosophy that it takes humor, patience and understanding when teaching tough subjects.

Katie Aquino

Katie Aquino

Writing, Grammar, Literature, ACT Prep
Education: M.Ed.,Stanford University

Katie is an enthusiastic teacher who strives to make connections between literature and student’s every day lives.

Chuck Raznikov

Chuck Raznikov

Teaching at a top-ranked high school in SF

He has been a teacher at Lo High School - a top-ranked high school in San Francisco - for over 20 years.

Danielle DeLancey

Danielle DeLancey

Harvard University
PSAT expert

Danielle is a high scorer on the PSAT, National Merit Scholarship finalist and "Teach for America" corps member. She has masters in Education from Harvard University.

Purvi Mody

Purvi Mody

College Admission Counselor

- 15 years of experience helping students get into top universities around the country including Harvard, UC Berkley, UCLA, Stanford, and Brown
- UCLA, Stanford University
- Owner & managing direct at Insight Education

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