Kendal Orenstein





核稳定性 - 概念

Kendal Orenstein
Kendal Orenstein




Nuclear stabilityis what makes certain isotopes radioactive. An isotope is unstable if it has a ratio of protons to neutrons that isn t within what is called the band of stability. Elements with atomic numbers greater than 70 are never stable. Unstable isotopes generally undergo transmutation, alpha decay or beta decay.


我们必须谈论有轻微balance between electrostatic charges within the nucleus and a strong nuclear force within the nucleus we'll get to what that means in just a second, so we just think about it, we have a nucleus, inside the nucleus we have lot of protons and neutrons so let's talk about the protons.




So how do I get those numbers as figyres? Well let's go over her. Here's what we call a band of stability here at the bottom line is the neutron to proton ratio is 1 to 1 so this is the slope of 1 this top line is what is the ratio of 1.5 to 1 so this is the slope of 1.5. Where this dotted line is in the middle this kind of fuzzy dotted line, that is where things are stable so if you find if you may figure out the neutron to proton ratio and you find that it's in this band of stability, then you're not going to have a nuclear reaction you're actually the nucleus is pretty stable okay but if you find that you're outside this like you're down here or you're up here, you're going to actually have a nuclear reaction or some sort of nuclear decay and it could be a fine thing it can happen even over millions of years and we're okay or it could be something disastrous so you want to make sure that we're in this band of stability to make sure that we have a stable nucleus and that's nuclear ability.

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