Devorah Goldblatt.

案例西部大学。,Summa Cum Laude

德莫拉是Advantage Point Test Prep的创始人,也是《Boost Your Score》这本书的作者。




Devorah Goldblatt.
Devorah Goldblatt.

案例西部大学。,Summa Cum Laude

德莫拉是Advantage Point Test Prep的创始人,也是《Boost Your Score》这本书的作者。


一般策略;嗨,欢迎阅读策略,段落。现在在起搏集中,我们谈到了阅读部分的一些一般起搏战略。在这一集中,我想真正挖掘段落并谈论测试上的段落所需的内容,所以你可以指导问题。但首先,两个非常重要的事情;首先,我希望您在一个坐姿一起观看与下一集的这一集。让我来告诉你为什么。在这一集里,我们要经过通道和一些很好的策略,阅读他们要寻找什么,但它的下一集我们将讨论的问题类型,像消除错误答案的选择,然后我们”LL回答我们现在要看看的段落的问题。所以我不想离开你挂起,试着致力于同时观看两个剧集。下一个重要的是,在继续之前,打印出与这一集的段落。 You know, I'll have chunks up here as we go through it, but it's not the same as having the whole thing in front of you and just circling it and going through it and reading it, how you would read it on a real reading test. So before we start, make a commitment to watch this episode with the next episode and print out the passage that goes with the episode.
我们谈到了很多关于我们如何有四个非常复杂的段落,这是漫长而不是很多时间。因此,我们需要一个非常激进的策略来准确地说明我们需要指导问题。现在我们要看那个策略,你将想通过段落来做两次扫描,一个真正快速的一个和一个更长的一个,从上到下。让我告诉你他们,然后我会告诉你一些你想要这样做的事情。所以,首先扫描,那是20到30秒的时间,所以我们在这里没有谈论一个大的时间承诺,只是一个真正快速扫过这段经文。你打算寻找什么?让我告诉你。首先,你看起来是什么段落,以及源头是什么?你知道的那些小标题在上面,是人文科学,是自然科学吗?它是什么样的段落? And then you'll have a little blurb at the top, usually about a sentence that just tells you the context. You know maybe it's from this essay, you know maybe it's from this book, okay. Just read it, you'll get an idea of where the passage is coming from. Next, you're going to want to just skim some key parts of the passage. Let me tell you what those key parts are. The big deal is just that first paragraph that you'll see, the beginning and ends of each subsequent paragraph and if you have time, skim the last paragraph that you're going to see. Think about it, this makes a lot of sense, when you read a good essay or when you read a good essay, what's important? Well, your first paragraph tells you what you're going to say. Usually that's the thesis, that's the jest, right? And then your subsequent paragraphs, just elaborate and usually the first and last sentence of the paragraphs, well, the first one introduces what the paragraph is going to talk about, where in that middle it just usually has some examples then that last sentence usually just sums up what that paragraph just said, and usually it transitions to the next paragraph. So those are the most powerful sentences in the paragraph in each one is a first and the last. And then if you keep reading, you know you got to the last paragraph, usually that will sum up what just happened in the passage. So you just skim through these really quickly, remember 20 to 30 seconds, you'll already have a really good sense of the passage and what's going on.
同时,你也要根据文章的类型来调整策略。所以当你快速浏览的时候,根据文章的类型,需要注意几件事。真的太快了。散文;只是寻找像角色这样的东西,发生了什么?角色是谁?背景是什么?你知道,在哪里举行吗?没什么大不了的。当你浏览社会科学的时候,你知道,讨论的主题是什么? Is it some philosophical topic, is it government? You know, just what's going on. Humanities; do you notice anything about the topic here? What discipline is being discussed? Is it somebody's art, is it somebody's music? Okay, and science too. What kind of science is it? You know, is there some big cause and effect or some big theory being discussed here. Again, very quickly, just sweeping through. Let's go on the second sweep and see what that looks like. The second sweep is reading the passage from start to finish. Now, before we go on with the second sweep, you might be thinking to yourself, "Devorah, this is kind of strange, so I just read a bunch of stuff, now you're telling me I'm going to be reading again from start to finish, what's the point? Why don't I just read it once from start to finish?" That's a great question and students always ask me that. This is a big deal, you really want to have the two sweeps, you really want to have that first 20 to 30 seconds sweep. I'll tell you why, first of all, it increases your comfort level with the passage tremendously. You know, there's a completely different feeling. If you go in to reading a passage from top to bottom with that second sweep and you already know from your first sweep exactly what it's talking about, you know, the main idea, the context, you feel really good. You almost feel a little snorted. Like you can look around the room and think, "I know something you don't know." Like you know about what the passage is going to talk about before you go through it. Instead of just digging right in and there is all this jargon and it's really complicated and all these ideas and you're reading it from top to bottom, it's a completely different feeling. If you already know a little bit before hand from that quick 30 seconds sweep, it will help your accuracy on the questions and your comfort level tremendously.
所以,第二次扫描,从上到下阅读。当您从上到下阅读时,让我们准确地进入你要做的事情。开始完成,你要读,你知道吗?比正常读数更快地设置速度。我的意思是,你知道这是因为你没有很多时间阅读,所以你要快速阅读。精神上总结了每个段落。所以在每个段落之后,你要读它,只需要一秒钟并思考自己,刚刚发生了什么?这让你自己回答,你知道,我刚读了什么?否则,我总是有学生告诉我,“你知道,我刚才意识到我读过段落,我不知道他们刚才说什么。”你知道这总是在你读取真正无聊的东西时始终发生的事情,所以习惯在每个段落后停下来,只需一秒钟。 What just happened in that paragraph? Just a quick sentence in your head to summarize. Concentrate on the central message. Remember we talked about not getting bugged down in details at all. So, as you read, think, what's the overall purpose here? What's the main idea? And you're get a focus on the big picture. Draw inferences as you read. So, train yourself to ask is like, 'I wonder' questions. We actually do this with books and material that we really like. You know you'll be reading through this book you're really into and some guy will say something to some girl and you're thinking, "Why would he say that to her, I wonder. Is he coming on to her? Is there some baggage there I don't know about?" You know kind of these read between the lines sorts of things. The ACT has a lot of questions about inferences and we'll get into them a little later when we talk about the question types. But as you read keep an eye out for this kind of innuendoes or times reading between lines and train yourself even though it's really boring to get kind of interested, if you can. What's going on here? and ask yourself, I wonder why would the author put that example there? I wonder why would she say that to him? I wonder why are they in this place at all? Things like that, drawing inferences as you read the passage.
下一个标记你的段落。我们已经谈到了这一点。你想标记它,我们将讨论要查找的内容。好的,在散文段落中,你会寻找情绪内容。他们会问像人们的情绪这样的事情,他们会要求你洞察角色之间的关系,角色发展,这样的事情。所以留意只是一种感觉,通道的语气,是它有点触发,是百分之一的,是令人兴奋的人物,是什么样的东西,什么是情绪,谁是叙述者?这样的事情,你在读故事时会想到的事情。然后你对另外三个段落的策略会有所不同,因为那些是真实的权利?那些没有小说。在另外三个段落中,您将寻找这些东西。 First, cause and effect dynamics. ACT loves to ask about things causing other things, so if you see something happens and later along the line it causes something else to occur, mark it up. Author's opinion, overall purpose, remember we talked about main idea, really important. So when you see something like 'and this was my mission' or sometimes it's a little more settle or it'll be just a really strong sentence, maybe the first sentence of the paragraph and you know that everything else is falling from that sentence, mark it up, that's the main idea. So keep an eye out for author's purpose and the main idea of the passage as a whole. Next examples; remember we talked about not getting bugged down in detail so don't worry too much about examples but you want to mark where they are, just 'cause they'll give a sense of the structure of the passage. And comparisons and contrast, the ACT loves different instances or different theories or different people being compared to each other. Any time you see any kind of comparison or contrast, mark it up and we're going to do an example so you'll see what I'm talking about.
我们讨论了一些阅读文章的好方法,现在让我们来练习一篇文章。记住,你应该已经打印出来了,这样你就可以看到整个段落。这里我得到的是每一段都是一段一段的记住,我们要做两次扫描。首先,我们要花20到30秒来浏览一下,了解一下主要内容,寻找一些我们之前讨论过的关键内容,然后,我们会回过头来进行第二次浏览。我们会从头到尾读一遍,并在重要的东西下面划线。首先扫一遍,记住我们要看标题。人文学科,这是一篇人文学科的文章。记住那些是关于艺术或音乐的,有时是关于作家的文章。上面还写了个小广告。“这是弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫(Virginia Woolf)写的《自己的房间》(A Room of One’s Own)的节选。” Okay cool maybe you've even read some Virginia Woolf in school and you have some context, if not don't worry about it. And now we're going to do that first sweep and remember we're going to look at the first paragraph as a whole, really, really quickly, then the first and last sentences of each paragraph and then the last paragraph. And as we read we're also going to look for any major people or major concepts that just happen to pop out as we very quickly read. And remember this should take you 20 to 30 seconds since I talk a lot and since I'm demonstrating is going to take a little more today.


最后一段,这是最后一段所以我们要做整个事情。“事实上,如果女人除了在男人写的小说里不存在的话,人们会把她想象成一个举足轻重的人物;很不同;英雄的意思是;灿烂的和肮脏的;无限的美丽和极端的丑恶;和男人一样伟大,有些人认为更伟大。但这是小说里的女人。事实上,正如特里维廉教授指出的,她被锁起来,被殴打,在房间里被扔来扔去。”第一次扫荡的威力有多大? Awesome right, we got really the whole gist here. It's all about the role of women, turns out, in literature they look great, they're really powerful, they are beautiful, they've got a lot going on and she says in real life, they were beaten they were thrown around. We get the whole gist of the paragraph and remember on your own this should only take about 30 seconds. You'll read really quickly, you'll skim through and you won't kind of deliberate like I did trying to teach it. So that's it for sweep one. Let's move on and do sweep two, we'll go through the whole passage from top to bottom and mark up what we need to know.
所以让我们试着扫一两个,记住我们将要通过并标记,我们正在寻找原因和效果,比较和对比等的事情,作者认为和主要思想种类和示例。我们实际上并没有标记并强调示例,但对他们所在的位置和可能只是标记有一个例子的标签。所以让我们开始开始,'这令人失望,'第一段,所以让我们开始。“令人失望的是在晚上带来一些重要的声明,一些真实的事实。所以首先,我们有了这个词令人失望的,这是作家的看法,对吧?所以她对她正在研究的任何东西感到失望,你知道这一点,那种表明她对它充满热情,她已经在这里投入了一些东西,她被颠倒了。我们可能从我们的第一次读到这是关于妇女的角色或她对妇女作用的研究。好的,'女性比男人更穷,因为这一点或那个,'所以她正在寻找信息为什么女人比男人更穷?而这似乎是,因为它在开始时,真的是这段经文的主要思想。为什么女人比男人更糟糕? She wants to know more about it, so I'm going to underline this as a main idea. 'Perhaps now it will be better to give up seeking for the truth,' so yeah, see she's invested, she's is seeking for a truth,' and receiving on one's head an avalanche of opinion hot as lava, discolored as dish water. It will be better to draw the curtains; to shut out distractions; to light the lamp; to narrow the enquiry and to ask the historian, who records not opinions but facts,' so I'm going to stop there for a second. Any time you've got a big contrast between the author was doing this, now she's doing that, they're usually going to ask about that, so it's a lot to mark up I wouldn't underline it but keep in mind she's saying now maybe it's better to give up seeking for the truth, instead I'm going to shut everyone out, draw the curtains, shut out distractions and I'm just going to ask the historian. And then we've got another contrast here, a shorter one so I'm going to underline it 'who records not opinions but facts.' So when you see not this but this, the ACT tends to ask about it, so mark it up. So 'the historian, records not opinions but facts, to describe under what conditions women lived not throughout the ages, but in England,' another one this gives us kind of context here. She's not looking at how women lived always but just not throughout the ages but in England, okay. 'Say in the time of Elizabeth' so that's a little more specific. Let's keep going to the next paragraph but before we do, quickly you want to ask yourself, what happened in this first paragraph just a really quick one line summary. Well the author is disappointed she is doing some research about why women are not as well off as men and she's going to look, ask the historian okay.
下一段"因为这是一个长期的困惑为什么没有女人写一个字的非凡的文学,而其他的男人,似乎,会唱歌或十四行诗"这是另一个非常重要的对比?没有女人写这些东西,但是男人写的,这很重要,没有女人写了一个字的非凡文学,其他男人都能唱或写十四行诗这是一件大事,我们有一个很大的对比在那时男性和女性在做什么。“妇女的生活条件是什么?”所以这似乎是她在这一段的主要问题。“我问自己;因为小说是一种富有想象力的作品,它不像科学那样像一颗石子落在地上;小说就像蜘蛛网,虽轻,但仍与生活紧密相连。这种依恋往往难以察觉; Shakespeare's plays for instance, seem to hang there complete by themselves. But when the web is pulled askew, hooked up at the edge, torn in the middle, one remembers that these webs are not spun in mid-air by incorporeal creatures,' this a really long example you guys but bare with me, 'but are the work of suffering human beings, and are attached to grossly material things, like health and money and the houses we live in.' A lot of times on the ACT when there's a really long convoluted example of the author's point, the more long and complex it is, the less likely they are to ask about it. This is one where it's just kind of all over the place, I'm going to label it with a big E right here, so I know that it's an example and I'll know exactly where to look and I'm going to leave it at that and see if I even really need to delve into why that's going on.
因此,让我们先总结一下这一段那么我们会移动到下一个段落。在这里她想知道为什么在那里的所有这些伟大的歌曲和十四行诗没有女性作家,当有这么多男性作家?然后她说清楚什么是条件的妇女住在纽约。好吧,三段“我去,因此,在历史站在架子上拿下的最新一期,特里维廉教授历史的英格兰。”好吧“我再次抬头女性,”这个有趣的“再一次”这同样是回到了那个作者的观点。“再说一遍”的意思是她这样做之前,你又找人,谁是真正投入这个主题的意义,真正充满热情。所以,“我再次抬头女性,”她在看这个项目“发现”的位置和转向页面显示;“殴打妻子”我看了,是一个公认的人的权利,并通过高没有羞耻被实践以及低......同样,“历史学家的推移,“谁不肯娶她的父母选择的绅士女儿很容易被关起来,殴打,并扔在房间里,”之类的次要原因和影响的事情怎么回事。你知道,如果妇女被拒绝做一些事情,有很多虐待的事情。我要强调,但只是要记住。 So you know we've got this whole 'daughter who refused to marry being locked up and beaten', not so important to underline but just the idea that you've got a cause and effect, if women weren't doing what they were told bad things were happening to them. Okay so 'the daughter who refused to marry the gentleman of her parents' choice was liable to be locked up, beaten and flung about the room, without any shock being inflicted on public opinion. Marriage was not an affair of personal affection, but a family avarice,' here's another one it wasn't this but it was this. This is kind of a comparison contrast thing going on, I'm going to underline it; 'So marriage was not an affair of personal affection, but a family avarice. Particularly in the chivalrous upper classes...Betrothal often took place while one or both of parties was in the cradle, and marriage when they were scarcely out of the nurse's charge. That was about 1470, soon after Chaucer's time.' This is a place where when she throws in these things you might want to say I wonder why would she tell us it's about 1470 soon after Chaucer's time? Maybe to gave us context about what time this is all occurring. The next reference 'to the position of women is some 200 years later in the time of the Stuart.' So she's kind of skipping ahead and that the next she reads about women, 200 years into the future. 'It was still the exception for women of the upper and middle class to choose their own husbands, and when the husband had been assigned, he was lord and and master so far at least as law and custom could make him'. Okay, so these are if you just sum up this paragraph, she's kind of going into the history of how women were treated. She opens up this historical volume, she learns that marriage wasn't something that you did because you loved somebody, it was something that was set up way in advance, women were beaten if they didn't do what they were told. And she kind of goes into some of the history you know 'in 1470' this is whole part about wife beating being okay and then even 200 years later, a man was the lord and master. When you look for reading between the lines sadulty kinds of stuff, this is an interesting line here. 'So far at least as law and custom could make him' so to the extend that law and custom made men in charge, they were. So you kind of have to think to yourself, why would that be there? There were probably cases where it wasn't like that, it's hard to believe that all relationships were that way, but probably, legally, I mean men had the upper hand.
好了,我们来看第四段。特里维廉教授总结道:“即便如此,莎士比亚笔下的女性和17世纪真实回忆录中的女性,如维尔尼夫妇和哈钦森夫妇,似乎都没有个性和性格上的欠缺。”这就是记忆的一个例子。“当然,如果我们这样想的话,克利奥佩特拉一定是用一种办法对付她的;人们会认为麦克白夫人有她自己的意志;有人可能会说,罗莎琳德是个迷人的女孩,“很多角色,她们都是非常有趣的女人。”这一整段看起来就像很多关于女性的例子所以当我们讲完的时候,我可能会在旁边加一个大大的E。我在哪儿?特里维廉教授说,莎士比亚笔下的女性似乎并不缺乏个性和个性,这完全是实话。不是个历史学家的人甚至可以说,自古以来,在所有诗人的作品中,女人就像灯塔一样燃烧着——在戏剧家中,克吕泰涅斯特拉、安提戈涅、克利奥帕特拉、麦克白夫人、菲德雷、克蕾西达、罗莎琳德、苔丝狄蒙娜、马尔菲公爵夫人; then among the prose writers: Milliamant, Clarissa, Becky Sharp, Anna Karenina, Emma Bovary, Madame de Guermantes- the names of flock to mind, nor do they recall women, lacking in personality and character.' So we can look at this whole paragraph as really being one major example of a lot really powerful women in literature, I'm going to put a big E next to it. Okay, and if you stop and talk about the gist of this paragraph, we've got a bunch of women literature, we have one main idea here which is that 'neither Shakespeare's women nor those of authentic seventeenth-century memoirs, really seem wanting in personality and character.' Okay that might be something you want to underline, maybe not, but the gist here is we've got a lot of great women in literature although we know actually life for women just wasn't that great.
最后一段,“事实上,如果女人除了在男人写的小说里不存在,人们会把她想象成一个举足轻重的人物;很不同;英雄的意思是;灿烂的和肮脏的;无限的美丽和极端的丑恶;和男人一样伟大,有些人认为更伟大。但这是小说中的女性。事实上,正如特里维廉教授指出的,她被锁起来,被殴打,在房间里被扔来扔去。”这里有很大的反差,对吧?这是非常非常重要的,在男性文学作品中对女性的描绘和她们在现实生活中是如何生活的这两者之间有很大的对比。 And this whole paragraph really is that big contrast, that's important you can bet they're going to ask about it on the questions. So just to indicate that, it would be a lot of underlining to underline the entire passage, I'd underline the key contrasting words, things like 'But this is women in fiction, in fact' something else occurred 'she was locked up and beaten and flung about the room.' So you have the sense it was different in fiction, in the real life women were treated horribly.

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