Purvi Mody

College Admission Counselor

- 15 years of experience helping students get into top universities around the country including Harvard, UC Berkley, UCLA, Stanford, and Brown
- UCLA, Stanford University
- Owner & managing direct

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I got caught cheating!

Purvi Mody
Purvi Mody

College Admission Counselor

- 15 years of experience helping students get into top universities around the country including Harvard, UC Berkley, UCLA, Stanford, and Brown
- UCLA, Stanford University
- Owner & managing direct


The best way to never get caught cheating is to never try to cheat in the first place. However, if you do get caught, don’t panic, it’s not the end of the world. The first thing you need to do is admit fault. Lying to your teacher can get you in even more trouble. Explain your side of the story and why you won’t do it again. You can follow this up with an apology letter to your teacher or counselor to really show how bad you feel about it. To make up for it, you can do extra work for class to show that you know the material. The impact it can have on your permanent record completely depends on your school. Some schools will put it on your record and some may not. If it does go on your record, you can always explain yourself on your college applications. Just be honest about what happened.

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